Monday, February 8, 2010

Time Management

Hi all my followers and newbies,
Wow, time sure does fly. In this post I am going to touch on Time Management, what it is and how it can help you. I sure need this in my daily routine.
As you can see from the dates on my blog I have not posted anything since June 2009, wow that it not good enough from a bloggers point of view! I know there has been a lot happening in my life, over the last 12months, one should still fit in a post on one's blog at least every week or 2 weeks.
Time Management :
What is it? Having to prioritize your activities, " from urgent to not so important". Using Time Management in your routine, will benefit not only you , also those around you. Now working out what is important and what what can be done later, is going to help you achieve a lot more in less time!! Finding out how to maximum your worth on a daily basis, will make way for more play.
There are numerous books,articles,sites etc on the web, that will help guide you to working out your own plan.
How Time Management Will Help :
Starting with a diary, putting down your daily tasks, prioritize them in order of urgency!
As you finish a task, put a line through it or just put an asterisk beside it. Then move onto the next task. If you do not get to any or complete a task, just write it on the next day, that way you will eventually get that task down.
These tasks can be related to your daily chores as well, such as cooking, gardening, hobbies ( scrapbooking), family!!!!! Time Management can help in so many ways.

I hope this was some help to some!!!!
Well people I will leave off here and get back to my important tasks at hand.
Until another day!


  1. You are an outstanding writer and I enjoy what you write. I see you like Sean Rasmussen as I do. Good Luck!

  2. Thanks Sandra, A lesson in time management never goes astray.
